Posts Tagged ‘Dubai SandStorm’

Sandstorm in Dubai is mental, here are the pictures [PHOTOS]

Thursday, April 2nd, 2015

Unexpected sandstorm  has hit Dubai, UAE and across Gulf. News is the storm is quite bad in Riyadh as well. Currently, all the flights are delayed due to poor visibility in Dubai – however Abu Dhabi airport is functioning well and alll flights are still on schedule.

Here are the pics we took from instagram and twitter

SANDSTORM in Dubai is bad, don’t believe it then check out these VIDEOS

Saturday, February 21st, 2015

Sandstorm that started since Friday morning is going to last for another couple of days and authorities in UAE have told residents to ignore Water related activides due to increase in tide level as well as be careful while driving.



Video 1:

Video 2: Sandstorm can be this bad!!!